Monday, March 3, 2008

the piercing of the ears...


Zobell Fam said...

She looks like colby when he is unhappy. Pretty girl with her new bling!!

Emily said...

Oh the pain we girls endure to be pretty! She looks ticked, give her a smooch from me and Blake!

Falcon Family said...

Emily She is so cute. SO tell me how bad was it piercing the ears? Marcos wants to do it with Kenadie But I am not sure about it. Anyway Cute Family

Adam and Tiffany said...

Oh how sad!! She looks pretty ticked off. It is so good to see your you and your baby!!! I haven't heard from you in forever! I miss you. I still remember the good ol days when we were going to be rich and famous CNA's. I am glad we will be able to keep in touch through blogging.

Moody said...

These pics are so cute, my absolute fav is the first food and the one where she's looking at tigger....her eyes are popping out of her head! Good job Em and Colb you made a cute one.

Clarke and Kamie said...

your baby is soooo cute! looks like Daddy:)
the crying pic with the ear piercing is priceless! Too funny.
Glad to see you are a blogger! I will be checking for updates:)
miss you!

elonna said...

Ok so I guess I am the last to realize that you have a blog! You commented on my blog but it didn't let me see your profile so I wasn't sure then I decided to look on Em's blog and sure enough there you were. It is so much fun to see little Marty. It is pretty crazy how fast she has grown. I sure hope you are doing well. I am glad that you are blogging so that I can see pictures. Love Ya

rickster said...

Hello!!! thanks for the add. Ya the four wheelin pics were awesome. I assume you still need to go buy one right? Cute little kid, way to go. Chris ames's wife pierced her daughters ears and she got a lot of guf for it, lol.

Meghan said...

These are just cracking me up, I am not laughing at her crying but laughing at her infuriated look! OH BOY! She is such a cutie!
xoxo Meghan Dymock